
This blog will allow students that participated in the relationship improvement class to review and expand upon the things they learned during classroom instruction. I also extend the invitation to anyone who is interested in improving his or her interpersonal relationships to peruse the materials available here. I hope that you will be edified by what you find. As you can see, however, the blog is (and hopefully will always be) a work in progress. I humbly ask for your patience and extend to you the promise that it will become more and more useful to you as time goes on. I also want site visitors to understand that I am solely responsible for the content of this blog and that statements, artwork, or other material found herein should not be construed to represent the feelings, beliefs, etc. of any other person or organization, including any of my employers or the church I attend. Again, I am solely responsible for this blog's content, except in those instances when I have used quotations, videos, and so forth created by other individuals, in which case I have done my best to provide accurate source documentation. If you have any comments or suggested improvements, feel free to email me at InsideOutChange@gmail.com. As time goes by, please continue to check back; I'll do my best to make this blog the best it can be!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Coming Soon

FYI - This page will not contain worksheets or class materials. Instead, it will have information that revisits and expands upon class materials, including other websites to visit, quotations, further explanations of class principles, community resources, etc. Each post will be appropriately titled so that visitors to the site/former class members will be able to navigate through the archives and find what they are looking for fairly easily. In this way, individuals will hopefully be able to find information that is relevant to their individual situations. New resources and posts will be added as often as time permits, so keep coming back. Have a great day!

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